1. Ugli Ugli is a mixture of grapefruit (citrus gedhe very similar to grapefruit) and sweet orange that can only be found in Jamaica. His appearance was not attractive at all, but apparently it's very sweet and fresh, O yes .. This fruit is the only fruit that starts with the letter U in the English language. 2. Complexioned Apparently the English language, the name of this fruit remains unchanged. The fruit is of course you inget with sweet and sour flavor that is always surprising and refreshing. The fruit is found to have attempted to grow in Hawaii in the early 1900s, but still can not succeed. 3. Sugar-apple. Fruit is in English called Sugar Apple, with white flesh of the fruit, looking like a giant raspberry. This fruit was better known as the fruit from Thailand than from Indonesia.In the language of Thailand, the fruit is called Noi-Na. According to the tongue of the Caucasians, the fruit is called the extraordinary sweet and aromatic. 4. Red Guava. For some reason the fruit is now so well known by the name of Guava, which is actually the name in English. We should be proud, that in fact this fruit is one of the fruits 'super healthy', because it contains large amounts of vitamins A and C, Omega 3 and 6 unsaturated fatty acids, high fiber, but it's still good. According kulnier western world, the Red Guava is very very fragrant. Although the seeds are indeed an extraordinary amount (between 112 to 535 grains in 1 fruit), still, the fruit is very delicious. 5. Bark Fruit native to Indonesia (and neighbors of course) is known by the name of Snake Fruit because of her skin like snake scales. Certainly do not need to be reminded of the hard seeds that can shed our gear inside the fruit, but not with the Caucasians, because the fruit is very rare that they encounter. According to their tongues, the fruit is sweet and sour with varying degrees of crispness, ranging from one to the crunchy fruit is soft and watery. 6. Soursop. Epithet in English on exceptional fruit masamnya is Soursop or Guanabana. Seeds are large and make a lot of fruit ni enjoyed quite difficult, but if you could enjoy it, it turned out to taste the fruit is regarded as a combination of strawberry and pineapple (for the Caucasians) super sour fruit of this was a lot of vitamin C, B1 and B2, and much enjoyed by the people of South America as a ice cream soda flavor even soursop quite popular there. 7. Sapodilla. Ever heard the name Lamut? Maybe Sapodilla? Two of this name turns out is the name for our Sapodilla fruit. Many people in the western world compare this with the caramel sweetness of fruit or candy. Be careful eating this fruit, because if the seeds are swallowed, often mischievous and stuck on your neck! The uniqueness of this fruit is ripe will never dipohon, must be picked first, then he will mature. 8. Sapodilla Manila. In the world of international cuisine, the fruit is known by the name Santol. This fruit was very famous in Europe and America was so sweet, and often used as a jam because the fruit is very quickly damaged if not handled properly and be very careful. 9. Sweet sour. Herbal medicine is not the name you know! But this sour fruit is not sour at all, and even quite sweet. These fruits thrive and breed well in Thailand. In Thailand this fruit is commonly encountered as a snack and some even brave enough to eat it with rice as a side dish. 10. Jambu Air. In English, this fruit is called the Rose Apple, or was known in the U.S. market as champoo, referred to as the most interesting exotic fruits in the world. According to the tongue of the Caucasians, this fruit has the smell and taste like roses. The fruit is hard to come by in Europe and America because of rapid deterioration. The fruit is according to the Caucasians are the crunchy fruit with a delicious flavor.