
The process of making Beer

History :
Beer is the alcoholic beverage produced through the fermentation process starchy material and not through a process of distillation after fermentation. beer is an alcoholic beverage that most in the consumption by human beings throughout the world and the oldest, most popular drinks and beer also after tea and water.
for Muslims who drink alcohol are forbidden in consumption, because it is clear in the Qur'an letters (al-Maidah: 90-91) which contains "O ye who believe! Truly wine, gambling, idols, and sweepstakes are dirty from doing what the devil. Therefore in order that you stay away from her happy. Satan is only intended to bring enmity and hatred among you because of your alcohol and gambling, and hinder you remember Allah, and prayers. Do you not want to quit? "
And this is the procedure of manufacture:

1.milling of the malt is very important to the brewing process. The aim is to break the corn milling malt and malt contains enzymes break down starch to allow the malt to break through more efficient starch during mashing.

 2. Mashing involves mixing the grain with hot water to form a mash in which the natural malt enzymes break down starch into malt sugar selama1 hours during the time of pulverization malt enzymes break down starch molecules into sugar fermentation: glucose, maltose, maltotriose, and sugar is dissolved in the fluid surrounding mash to form a sugary solution called wort ..
3. Boiling wort performed at a pressure of 80 psi and at a pressure that can be heated to a temperature of 135 ° C. this is really so sterile wort, then at this stage HOP added fruit, fruit hop is used to add a bitter taste in beer.
 4. fruit Hop

5. Worth which had been boiled was then pumped at high speed in a vortex tube occurs, the vortex is sucking the pulp-pulp existing in the fruit pulp worth and HOP .
6. hot bitter wort must be cooled from a temperature of about 90 ° C in a vortex of water to 16-20 ° C in fermentation kettle. This machine consists of a series of thin stainless steel sheet with a small space between each sheet. wort passing between pieces of electric water cooler alternative and pumped in the opposite direction such that the two liquids are separated by a thin layer of stainless steel and heat exchanged from one medium to another. Instead of cold water pumped from the hot water down the other side.

 7. Collected in the kettle cooled wort fermentation at a temperature which will vary depending on environmental temperature and strength of beer that is being processed. At this stage the yeast is inserted into the worth. Yeast is a living thing and like all living organisms require a source of energy for life processes. yeast that obtain energy by breaking down sugar into alcohol and carbon dioxide.
 8. When fermentation is considered to be completed, namely the correct amount of sugar has been converted into alcohol, the ship was cooled by using cooling water is pumped through the cooling panels immersed in the fermenter respectively.
 9. After cooling the beer ingredients were stored in special tanks for 10 days so that there is  more protein and Tanin.
 10. After the storage process is mistaken, then the next stage is filling the bottles, beer bottles usually covered with a crown cork.
 11. Pasteurization is the heating to eliminate germs and bacteria that exist in the bottle by heating the vials at a temperature around 70 degrees Celsius, this process lasted for 1 hour.
 12. Beer packaged by using a plastic airtight so avoid evaporation, and beer ready for the market.


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